Computer Skills and
Introduction to Coding

Computer Skills Grades K-2nd Grade

We are utilizing a program with Kindergarten - 2nd Grade called Keyboarding without Tears in order to encourage hand-eye coordination with the mouse, pre-keyboarding skills by learning homerow through Target Practice. The students are doing exceptionally well with the program and are really enjoying the games/skill building activities. Links to this program, as well as to some coding exercises, can be found in the student's Keyboarding Google Classroom.

Computer Skills Grades 3rd-6th Grade

We are utilizing a program with 3rd Grade - 6th Grade called TypingClub to enhance typing skills by focusing homerow through lessons that challenge a student's speed and accuracy to grow as they progress through the program. The program also focuses general computer readiness skills to prepare the students for web-based testing as well as instill appropriate computing skills for their futures. Links to this program, as well as to some coding exercises, can be found in the student's Keyboarding Google Classroom.

Introduction to Coding

Throughout the year, the students in all grade levels are introduced to different programming languages that require critical thinking. Skills focused on are logic, sequencing, conditionals, patterns and others. Several online platforms are used to teach these skills to the different levels and those assigned to a particular grade can be accessed in their Keyboarding Google Classroom.

For 6th Grade, during second semester we will be using CS First which is a Google-based computer science learning tool, to work with coding in order to tell a story. They will be using block coding through to create their own story-line, dialog and animation. In addition, we will look at other forms of coding languages to expose them to a wide range of coding opportunities.